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Meet Christina DeLeon

I love the female community at Hers. No matter what kind of day you're having, there's nothing like coming to a space with positive vibes and getting a sweat-sesh in while catching up with friends.

One of my favourite classes is Super Sculpt. I enjoy the challenging combos balanced with strength training.

Besides being a stay-at-home mama of 5 boys (2 littles and 3 bonus kids), I teach online classes combining strength conditioning with kickboxing. For a creative outlet, I share my weight loss journey, turned fitness and mental health journey, and everything in between (including, mamahood and #mamawhocantcook recipes) @allgoodthingsmama.

I'm a big believer in balance, in living and in eating. Tops on my bucket list is travelling the world, experiencing all the amazing foods and restaurants (from Michelin stars, to the best French fries, pasta or pizza)! Life is too short, so here's to slowing it down and making it count.

I hope to see you at one of my classes soon. I'd love to say hello in person!


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